Our Mission

We are 100% committed to making a real difference by Making America God’s Again. We will accomplish this by offering products that allow us to tithe to churches and donate to organizations that are making a positive difference in the United States of America. 

We vow to donate 33% or more of all business profits to help Change & Save The World.

The Founders

Every Story Has A Beginning

In 2020, amidst the challenges of COVID, civil unrest, and the destruction of historical statues, Americans found themselves seeking answers and truth. The 2020 election and the events of January 6th raised questions about the authenticity of our democracy. The nation was in turmoil, and a sense of unease gripped many.

These circumstances prompted one individual to search for answers, hoping to find wisdom from our history to guide the way forward. Reflecting on Proverbs 3:13-15 and James 1:5, the idea of seeking wisdom and insight became a priority.

The internet proved to be a valuable tool for this quest. The individual discovered www.patriotacademy.com and enrolled in the “Constitution Coach” course led by Rick Green. This course shed light on the historical events that shaped the United States and emphasized two key aspects: the Bible’s influence on the Constitution and the remarkable story of the Great Battle of Monongahela.

The Constitution’s inspiration from the Bible, particularly the governance system of ancient Israel, showcased the wisdom of the Founding Fathers. The story of the Great Battle of Monongahela in 1755 revealed the divine protection around a young George Washington, who would later become the first President of the United States.

As the tumultuous events of 2020 unfolded, the individual couldn’t help but contrast the present with their idyllic childhood summers. They questioned what had gone wrong in the country and what had led it astray from its core values. Turning to prayer for guidance, a powerful realization struck him. This moment led to research on income distribution in the U.S., setting the stage for a significant revelation.

Chaos and a loss of values had eroded the American dream. The individual urged fellow citizens to recognize the presence of a higher power and remember their biblical teachings. A call to action emerged, drawing from Malachi 3:9-12, where God invites a test of faith, just as the protection around George Washington during the Great Battle of Monongahela had once been a testament to divine intervention. In a pivotal moment, the individual discovered that, between 1991 and 2022, only a small percentage of American income was tithed or donated to charitable causes. This highlighted a substantial tithing shortfall.


Inspired by this revelation, the individual pledged to donate 33% or more of their business’s profits to churches, charities, and organizations that seek to make a positive difference in the nation. The aim was to encourage others to join this movement of generosity and embrace the values that the country was founded upon.

In summary, the vision is a call to action to restore the nation’s moral and charitable foundations by giving generously and supporting the causes that align with the values of the United States. It’s a quest to “Make America God’s Again.”

We vow to donate 33%
or more of business profits

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